Siwa Performing Oasis – YAC 2023

Siwa Performing Oasis
Siwa Performing Oasis is a remarkable embodiment of the exquisite amalgamation of architecture, art, and spirit. Nestled within the pristine oasis of the Siwa Desert, it provides a sanctuary for individuals seeking respite from the frenetic pace of urban, a space to rediscover their authentic selves and forge a profound link with the cosmos.
Close your eyes and envision a transformative odyssey. You liberate yourself from the hustle and bustle of urban existence, embarking on an expedition across the desolate, dangerous, vast, and enigmatic desert terrain. Upon reaching Siwa, nature’s splendor unveils itself. The Shali fortress, crafted from distinctive salt rock, is a testament to human tenacity and ingenuity amidst an unforgiving environment.
Yet, Siwa transcends its role as a mere tourist destination; it embodies a profound sojourn into the depths of the soul. With this intention, “Regeneration” has been conceived. This edifice isn’t merely a material entity or a hub for artistic expression but also a declaration of rebirth. The architecture assumes the form of a temple crafted from mirrors and glass, providing an avenue to submerge oneself in an unmistakable sense of presence amid the boundless desert. Here, humanity and the universe harmoniously intertwine in tranquility and serenity.