Features to Look For in General Board Meeting Software

General board meeting software permits board members to conduct a large portion of the governance process online. One important feature to look for is the ability to record meetings, create detailed reports on votes and electronic signatures. Some websites offer video conferencing, which makes meetings more interesting.

In addition to meeting management, general board software should include features that allow for easy document sharing and collaboration. This will improve director productivity levels and increase board participation and board engagement, both of which are essential cornerstones of good governance. It is important to determine if the platform is able to support a wide range of file formats. This will eliminate the need for directors to manually forward emails that contain attachments and make multiple copies of the same file.

The software should also permit the use of annotation and highlighting tools. These tools can be utilized to highlight key sections in documents and ensure that everyone in a gathering is aware of what’s being discussed. It is also important that participants can refer to specific sections of the documents to support their opinions or raise any concerns. This means that there is no time wasted in the course of the meeting trying to clarify points.

The software should be available in versions optimised for desktop mobile, tablet and desktop. This makes it easier for all board members to access information and prepare for meetings, regardless of location or the device they are using. Some solutions allow printing-friendly formats for those who prefer paper or can’t work with screens for lengthy periods of time.

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